Spanish Institute Towel Winners + After Sun Aloe + aloe lotion

Spanish Institute Towel Winners + After Sun Aloe + Aloe Lotion CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! @almudenadear @rocio_espinar_vildosola @cata_cidleon @nazaretserrano_ @rosi.luengo @gemagd81__ @aret_munoz Sonia Cadenas Marieta Gominolez @jessicacaselles Paqui Huete Patri García PG Mar Rodriguez Juan M. Garcia @rosapalen @sabona1988 @alba22criss @heler_piko @hanahcho11 @lg__tina @omairaalvarez @carballalj @sarano14 So we can send you your prize, please,…

Body Butter vs.. Moisturizer

Body Butter vs.. Moisturizing Cream The cream is formulated with an oily and an aqueous component, the first being the main component and the one that defines the dense texture of this emulsion. Its composition allows it to penetrate deeper into our dermis, achieving deeper hydration while providing water to our…