Skin care after the holidays

During the summer holidays we tend to put aside the strict care routines, so take advantage of the return to resume the normality of your life and your skin!!. chlorine, Water, the salt, the sun and the excesses of food in the summer take their toll on us. A…

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We already have the 12 winners who will take home a wonderful Beach Towel and a Colonia de Gotas de Oro from the Spanish Institute. Congratulations!! @tamaradr89 Aquilino Vazquez @eleniitapr Noelia Olivares Vazquez Pilar García Sánchez @mariacarol1981 Rosa Maria Cano Torres Cristina Márquez Conchi Iglesias López @artgenius10 Francisco Javier Vazquez Castillo @nadezro…

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We already have the 12 winners who will take home a beautiful Aire de Sevilla fan and an Aire de Sevilla Bella fragrance from Instituto Español Congratulations!! @ktya86 Yoya de la Torre @marimarmpc @mama_a_los_veintiocho Vanessa SanBaltasar Ferrando Mari Mamen @taniamg123 Mayte RebelCat Virginia Merino Merino Florentina Santana García @carmenmormol @mlamasmr So what…

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The scents you need this summer

There is nothing more flattering than being told how good you smell!. And even more so at this time, when you want more than ever to change the fragrance and bet on fresher notes, although many like these types of aromas all year round. Perfumes always become one of…

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5 Tips for packing the perfect suitcase

Say goodbye to pre-holiday stress this summer with these simple tips!! Forget about carrying a briefcase with you and start being a little more practical. With these simple tips you can travel only with hand luggage if you feel like it. 1. make a list. Before starting, it is essential to make a…

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We already have the 12 winners who will take home a Fresh Drops Beach Towel, a fragrance of Fresh Drops and Fresh Drops for Men 750 ml. Congratulations! @corinacl Mara Bene Andrea Almeida Paredes Mercedes Tajuelo Martin Buitrago @cristi_canariona Juan Esclapes Moragas Miriam Ruiz Rosa @maykasainz Chari Roldan Naranjo Marta Rivero…

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3 Tips to take care of the skin in summer

Summer is a key time for your body and your skin: you can still maintain your activity and show off a wonderful tan that, with solar excesses, dehydrate you, irregularities in your diet and lack of sleep cause irreparable damage to the dermis and shoot our body to a thousand. Never this…

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We already have the 12 winners who will take home an Aire de Sevilla beach towel and an Aire de Sevilla Chicca Bonita fragrance. Congratulations! Charo Lopez Light @cristinarodrigue @madalina.d.e Anamaria Buzea @aac2424 Wil Ma Sole Galvez Barra Rosa Exposito Yolay Rey Aaron Dylan Gemeliers Montse Sanchez Antonia Alvarez Para…

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The best moisturizers for this summer

the skin is the bigger organ of the body, and acts as a barrier to protect our body against bacteria and external elements. But this function can be affected if we do not preserve its hydration.. Normally in summer we worry more about moisturizing the skin of the body, after a day at the beach or pool,…

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