Kefir yogurt takes care of my skin

Surely you have already heard of kefir yogurt but, have you heard about the benefits of kefir yogurt for the skin? There are two types of kefir, the one with milk, which is the most common or water. In any case, milk kefir is the most…

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How to relieve your tired legs and feet

The wild flower Arnica grows in the high mountains as it is a plant that is very sensitive to pollution.. This flower is known for its exceptional ability to treat wounds., and reduce bruising. Arnica oil has decongestant properties, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and activators of blood circulation,…

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May raffle winners

We already have the list of winners who will take home an Aire de Sevilla perfume #Essenza (150 ml) with an exclusive cotton bag from our #AiredeSevilla line Congratulations to the winners! We hope you enjoy the gift very much. We would love to be a part of the moment you receive your…

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The perfect moisturizer for you

It would not be wrong to say that there are practically as many types of skin as there are people in the world. A person's skin can change depending on the moment, as well as certain problems can appear, caused by different circumstances. There is no set age to start taking care of our skin, but it is…

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