Atopic skin: how to take care of it?
Atopic Skin How to care for it?
Atopic skin is a skin disease that is fundamentally characterized by the dryness of this, which leads to its scaling and irritation and causes annoying symptoms such as itching.
By the way, It is a constitutional form of dry skin with little water and fat, so it flakes and irritates very easily.
What's more, In today's post we are going to try to make you the most bearable days giving you advice on how to care for atopic skin.
1. Don't spend too much time under the shower jet and avoid hot water
2. Specific products for atopic skin
3. avoid scratching
4. at the time of getting dressed, avoid the synthetic fabrics and covering ourselves with too many layers
5. Refresh the skin occasionally relieves the itch
6. Maintain a relaxed state relieves symptoms. We suggest you do yoga, meditation or practicing mindfulness exercises
And now… We are talking about the Spanish Institute!
The products of the Atopic Skin Line from the Spanish Institute are specially designed for protective hygiene and complete care of atopic skin, sensitive and dry.
Responding to the health needs of atopic skin:
- Your formula restores the skin film and prevents skin dehydration thanks to the content of Inca Omega Oil, vegetable oil rich in omega fatty acids 3, 6 and 9 and due to other active ingredients with anti-free radical action due to its delta-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol content.
- Acts by protecting cellular integrity By restoring cell membranes and its composition rich in tocopherols and antioxidants, it stops the chain reaction mechanism that produces the formation of free radicals., very aggressive for skin structures producing peeling and itching.
- Protects and calms the characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin, dry and atopic, so it prolongs the time between outbreaks.