Show off your skin this summer!

Show off your skin this summer! Wearing tan in summer is a classic, we spend hours and hours under the sun turning like a croquette in order to get the desired tone, but who does not favor? At Instituto Español we know that you are looking forward to taking the holidays to lie down in the sun and give it color…


LEGAL TERMS OF THE SUMMER SET DRAW Organizing company and object of the promotion Instituto Español S.A. company of Spanish nationality, domiciled in P.I.. the owners, portion 1, Hinojos (Huelva) y con C.I.F. A number- 41002841 (hereafter, may be identified as "SPANISH INSTITUTE"). In order to generate content and visualizations, it has decided to put…

Learn to recycle as a family

Learn to recycle as a family One of the best ways to teach the little ones is by example. Then, What a good idea it is to recycle as a family like this, everyone helps the environment while having fun and learning about responsibility and commitment!. We can take advantage of the fact that this Saturday is Family Day, and…