Prepare your legs for the routine

Outdoor activities, the long walks and the suffocating heat have been the culprits that your legs have suffered during this very different summer. Therefore, when september arrives, our legs need special care to recover and prepare to return to normal. Take note of these tips to take care of them as…


We already have the 6 winners who will take home a wonderful Oleogel Shower Gel. Congratulations! Mari de la Calle Maria José Ob Cristobal Sanchez Gil Juan José Arroyal Calero Yolanda Martí Miralles So that we can send you your prize, please, Tell us by private message on our Facebook/Instagram page the following information: Name…


We already have the 10 winners who will take home a wonderful Creamy shower gel. Congratulations! Conchi López Magán Car Ayala Juany Lara Ana Isabel Jimenez Eguskiñe Fernandez Veronica de Carolis Migue Ros Roro Fdez Olga Gomez Fernandez Paqui Concepcion Magro So that we can send you your prize, please, tell us by private message on our…

Return normality to your skin

Right now, your work life is hectic, the kids or your classmates want this, the other and the beyond, and you still have the housework to do, summarizing: you have very little time left for yourself and this, the skin notices. Say goodbye to stress thanks to the following tips and tricks. A good one…