receive the 2019 with a magical night

The end of the year is a perfect time to stop, put the brakes on our lives and take a tour of how the year has been for us. Making a real balance. The real message in that moment of pause, is to take care of ourselves. Live this end of the year full of emotions and joys. take small steps during…

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151 films aspire to the Goya Awards

Selected from a total of 151 candidates, we present the applicants to the 28 categories. With 13 nominations, The kingdom is the film with the most options in the awards, including Best Film and Best Direction. Champions follow, con 11 nominations, and Carmen and Lola and Everyone knows it, both with eight options to award. champions,…

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Giveaway Winner Always Like This

We already have the winner who will take home 2 tickets for the concert the Fiesta de Siempre Así de la Gira 25 years in the Great Theater of Huelva ( 1 ticket for the winner and one for the person mentioned) Congratulations! We hope you enjoy the gift very much. We would love to be part of the…

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Tips to be perfect at Christmas

With the arrival of Christmas excesses appear, feeding is neglected, decreased sleep hours and increased alcohol consumption, among others. These factors negatively affect our skin, so it is necessary to follow a series of instructions to always be perfect. The cares…

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Nominated for 33 Goya Awards

Rossy de Palma and Paco León have been in charge of reading, from the headquarters of the Film Academy, the nominees for the 33rd edition of the Goya Awards, that will be delivered next 2 February in Seville. In a gala that will feature Andreu Buenafuente and Silvia Abril as hosts. 'In between…

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How to be the perfect hostess this Christmas

These are the tricks you have to follow to emerge victorious from a Christmas evening at home. Christmas:said of the period that includes the 24 from December (Good night) al 6 from January (Reyes) and whose festivities translate into a number of social events with family, friendships, co-workers and other groups.…

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Honorary Goya Award

The Goya Honorary Award is the award granted by the Spanish Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences to a filmmaker of any of the specialties in recognition of a lifetime of dedication to the film industry. These awards were granted for the first time during the I edition of 1986.…

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