We already have the 12 winners who will take home a beautiful Aire de Sevilla fan and an Aire de Sevilla Bella fragrance from Instituto Español Congratulations!! @ktya86 Yoya de la Torre @marimarmpc @mama_a_los_veintiocho Vanessa SanBaltasar Ferrando Mari Mamen @taniamg123 Mayte RebelCat Virginia Merino Merino Florentina Santana García @carmenmormol @mlamasmr So we can send you your prize, by…

Fresh Drops Giveaway Winners 11 December

We already have the winners who will take home a set of a jar of #GotasFrescas and #GotasFrescasBaby Congratulations to all! We hope you enjoy the gift very much. We would love to be able to be part of the moment in which you receive your prize. Cheer up and share your photo with us on Facebook and Instagram! So we can send you your prize, fill in the form with your…