Organizing company and object of the promotion
Instituto Español S.A. company of Spanish nationality, domiciled in P.I.. the owners, portion 1, Hinojos (Huelva) y con C.I.F. A number- 41002841 (hereafter, may be identified as "SPANISH INSTITUTE").
In order to generate content and visualizations, it has decided.
This raffle is free and does not incur any cost for the participants.. It is aimed at those who follow the Social Networks of the Spanish Institute and participate following the rules.
Celebration dates
The draw will be open to participation on the day 23 January (since its launch, until 11:59 p.m. 6 February).
The name of the winners will be published on the website and they will be communicated on the social networks of INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL within the 48 hours after the end date of the draw.
Legitimation to participate
Only residents of Spain may participate in the draw. (Peninsula and Balearic Islands).
Those participants residing in the Canary Islands, will not be able to participate in the draw.
All contestants, for the mere fact of participation, accept the bases of this promotion, the rules that govern your participation and the terms, conditions and the privacy and data protection policy exposed.
Mechanics of the promotion
To participate in the draw, it will be necessary to meet the following requirements:
- Follow Spanish Institute
- Like the post.
- Mention two contacts.
- Each user can participate only once. No more than one prize may be awarded per individual or address.. Multiple participants may not share the same email address. The attempt by a participant to obtain a greater number of participations than those indicated, using different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins to the system or any other method, will void all entries of that entrant, can be disqualified.
Resolution of winners
There will be a total of 12 winners who will be chosen by RANDOM DRAW ON EASYPROMOS PLATFORM from among all participants who have met the rules of participation. The prize will consist of a lot of 1 Asire perfume from Seville Flow and a purse.
SPANISH INSTITUTE will communicate the winner through the Spanish Institute website and their profiles on social networks and the prize will be sent to the data provided by the winners through the Winners Form provided by the Spanish Institute..
Image rights
The participants in the promotion expressly authorize INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL to reproduce and use their name and surnames, as well as your image in any advertising or promotional activity related to this draw, without such use conferring any right to remuneration or benefit, except for the delivery of the prize obtained.
Personal data protection
In compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999, from 13 from December, Protection of Personal Data, We inform you that the personal data you provide us through this promotion, They will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A.. Your personal data will be used to send future commercial communications that may be of interest to you..
You may at any time exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, by written notification and with a photocopy of the D.N.I. Going to SPANISH INSTITUTE with address at Polígono Industrial Las Dueñas, portion 1. Fennel – Huelva 21740.
Basis Acceptance
It is reported that participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these rules.
INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL reserves the right to modify these rules or to extend the draw by duly informing the participants., as well as to proceed to the exclusion of any of the participants in this draw in the event of detecting any anomaly or fraudulent action in their participation., how to participate under several profiles or false profiles.
INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL reserves the right to eliminate those texts, photos or videos that do not fit the theme of the giveaway or that alter the normal functioning of the community. Facebook does not sponsor, does not in any way endorse or administer this sweepstakes or is associated with it. On the other hand, the total disassociation of each participant with respect to Facebook is exposed.
Applicable law and arbitration
For the resolution of any controversy or discrepancy that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of these bases, both INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL and the participants of the draw expressly submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of Seville, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond.
INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A does not acquire any contractual duty or obligation with the participants and reserves the right to cancel or eliminate any content without the consent of the participant and excludes any liability that may arise from errors in the arrival of the comments., due to deficiencies in the Internet Service. in addition, INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A reserves the right to discard the participations that it detects to be fraudulent or inappropriate in accordance with these BASES.
SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. will not be responsible for any other damage in accordance with the Established Conditions, including those not expressly mentioned.
After receiving the award, The winner agrees to exonerate and hold harmless INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A.. and their corresponding branches, subsidiaries, providers, dealers, advertising/promotion agencies and award providers, as well as their respective parents and delegates, administrators, employees and agents of said companies (jointly the “Released Parties”) against any claim or demand arising from participation in the Contest or receipt or improper use of any prize, to the extent permitted by applicable law. In no case will this exemption affect your inalienable rights.
Except in cases where it is prohibited, Participation in the Contest constitutes the consent of the winner that INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A.. and its agents use winner data; such as the name, surnames, pleasures, Photography, voice, options and/or email and postal address, for promotional purposes in any medium, Worldwide, for a year, without any payment or consideration.
SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Contest, in whole or in part, in case of fraud, technical failures, or that any other factor beyond Sponsor's reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper operation of the Contest, in the opinion of the Sponsor. SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. also reserves the right to disqualify any person who manipulates, to your understanding, the participation process or the operation of the Contest or acts in violation of these Rules or any other promotion or in a harmful or unsportsmanlike manner. Any attempt to deliberately prevent the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil law., and in the event that said infringement took place, SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. reserves the right to claim damages from any person to the extent permitted by law. The one that SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. fails to comply with any of the terms of these Bases, shall not entail a waiver of said provision.
SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. is not responsible for any abnormality in the operation of the Instituto Español profile on Facebook that due to technical reasons, or of another nature, external to INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL S.A., could interrupt, suspend or prevent the development and/or participation in this Promotion.
SPANISH INSTITUTE S.A. is not responsible for possible losses caused during the postal delivery of the prize to the winning participants.
This promotional giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated in any way with Facebook. In consecuense, Participants release Facebook from all liability.
To the fullest extent permitted by law and without adversely affecting any non-waivable rights, Instituto Español S.A will not be responsible for: (1) incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by the participants, printing errors or by any of the programs or equipment associated with or used in the Contest; (2) technical failures of any kind, included, by way of illustration and not limitation, improper operation, interruptions, disconnections in phone lines and network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention at any time throughout the partition or the Contest; (4) technical or human errors that may occur in the management of the Contest or treatment of the participants; (5) any shipment that is received late, get lost, is damaged or stolen; O (6) any damage to persons or property that may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for the participation of candidates in the Contest or the receipt of the prize or the proper or improper use of the same. And, for any circustance, it is confirmed that a request from a participant has been deleted by mistake, lost or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, the only solution for the participant is to request participation in the Contest again, with the condition of, if it is not possible to offer you a new participation due to the discontinuity of the Contest, or some part of it, for any circustance, the Sponsor may choose, at its sole discretion, among all the requests received until the date of discontinuation of one or all the prizes offered in this Contest. No more prizes will be awarded than established.
Except in cases where it is prohibited, the participants agree that: (1) any conflict, claim or demand arising out of or in connection with this Contest or any prize, must be resolved individually exclusively by the Courts of Seville capital, any claim, judgment or award shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket expenses, in addition to the costs incurred in registering for the Contest, but, in no case will it involve the fees of lawyers; and (2) under no circumstances will the participant be able to obtain any payment for expenses other than those actually incurred out of pocket and, hereby, waiver of consequential damage claim rights, punitive, incidental and consequential and any other damages, as well as the rights that would have increased or increased in any way said damages. All matters and issues related to construction, validity, interpretation and compliance with this Regulation, o The rights and obligations of the participant and the Sponsor in relation to the Contest will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain without the application of any other rule on conflicts of law (whether from Spain or any other jurisdiction), that could cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than Spain.
Communication Team – SPANISH INSTITUTE