How to recycle at home correctly and easily
Recycling has many advantages and in Instituto Español we want to help you create responsible habits at home. Recycling helps reduce the amount of garbage generated and prevents the deterioration of the planet due to overproduction, It also helps reduce double electricity consumption, raw Materials, and natural resources such as water, petroleum or oil.
Virtually all the elements that surround us can be recycled or reused, so recycling must start in our own home. In fact, recycling is everyone's challenge and acquiring new habits will help us achieve a better quality of life and a more sustainable plant..
Although it seems simple, many times we do not know how to recycle in a practical way, That's why today we tell you some tips to achieve it:
Read the labels and packaging
Information on recycling available labels and packaging is very useful. In the case of plastics, it has a special code that indicates the material or mixture of materials used in its manufacture.. The labels also tell us in which container we should deposit a container.
Separate waste into separate containers
The first step to recycling at home is to have separate containers for each type of waste. This simple action makes sorting much easier..
Deposit the waste in the corresponding container
This will make it easier for waste to be incorporated into the recycling chain earlier.. Locate the container area closest to your home to make the process easier. plastic containers, cans and bricks must be deposited in the yellow container; paper and cardboard in Blue container; and the glass in the green container. For organic waste, the brown container is the correct one and for those materials with a mixture of organic waste such as diapers, algodones, etc… the cgray containers they are the right ones.
Clean food containers before throwing them away
Another basic tip, in the case of oil bottles or cosmetic product containers, they should not be rinsed before recycling to avoid chemical or toxic spills in the water.
Involve your whole family and environment in your recycling plan
For recycling at home to be more effective for all members of the family, even the little ones, must participate.
Recycling and reusing go hand in hand
It is not just about sorting household waste and taking it to your container, but also to adopt habits to reuse materials and promote responsible consumption. An example is to bring our own cloth/grid bags to do the shopping or use glass canning jars to store food..
Recycling at home correctly is a basic routine that is worthwhile and contributes to meeting the EU environmental objective with which Instituto Español is engaged. That is why our packaging is designed with the aim of reducing emissions into the atmosphere and 75% recycled plastic..
And you, what tricks do you put into practice when recycling?