What to do when we are done with our favorite gel?
The care and cleaning of the body are part of our lives and our daily routine and that is where our gels come into play., moisturizing lotions and creams.
But, once you're done with the boat, do you know what to do with it? We tell you here!
All our packaging is 100% recyclable. Most products come in plastic containers so recycling is very easy.. Being made of plastic, they must be thrown into the container yellow.
In the yellow container there are three types of packaging, the plastics, metal and briks. Once they arrive at the recycling plant, they are separated according to their type and will go to their corresponding recycler who will be in charge of transforming it into new raw material..
The Spanish Institute helps combat the depletion of natural resources by favoring recycling plants in the division of products.
After this process, a plastic mass is obtained that serves as a raw material for the manufacture of new products such as pipes or industrial parts, even for the construction or textile real estate sector..
Recycling benefits everyone, both current and future populations and the environment. Producing a saving of raw materials, Energy, water and avoiding large amounts of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. What's more, favors recyclers who obtain material to develop their activity, activity from which in turn we all benefit because they are capable of transforming waste, that used to go to landfill, in new useful raw material.
And you, do you join the challenge??