Body Butter vs.. Moisturizer
The crema is formulated with an oily and an aqueous component, the first being the main component and the one that defines the dense texture of this emulsion. Its composition allows it to penetrate deeper into our dermis, achieving deeper hydration while providing water to our skin. It's for all of this, which are usually recommended for drier skin.
The butter, is formulated practically entirely with oily components, which makes its composition more compact and thicker than that of moisturizing creams. This focuses above all on deep hydration of the dermis through instant penetration of the same, obtaining as a result after its application, a soft film that will cover and protect the skin, making it look soft and juicy. Recommended for dry skin, very dry or sensitive.
Regarding your application, butter forces us to a little bit of self-care, since we must massage the area so that the product is absorbed correctly. What's more, if the movements are circular and ascending, blood circulation will be stimulated which will cause the absorption of the properties of the product to be more beneficial.
Specific, the body butter Spanish Institute Creamy Line nourishes, protects and regenerates the skin in depth thanks to its high content of Shea butter.
It is a source of vitamin A, D, E y F, so it works repairing the skin and softens it, deeply hydrating the epidermis.
Provides maximum hydration and luminosity in sensitive and dry skin.