Congratulations to the winners of 12 lots composed of an air perfume from Seville Flow and a purse.
These are the winners:
Importante: So that there is no confusion in the winners of the social network Facebook, acompañamos el nombre del ganador (en negrita) junto a los perfiles mencionados:
Victor Aparicio: Enri Garcia Escolastico Garcia
Lery LC: Cheilinha Pretes Pretes Estela Asencio
Tatiana Rmc: Caty Frías Podadera, Juana Jaén
Pili Roig: Loli Roman Galvez Macarena Dalmau
Paquita Hernandez: Susana Fuertes Yuguero y a Maria Borbalan
Paola Pérez: Vicente Carrión Egea y Lorena Pérez Mora.Per
So we can send you your prize, please, Send us your information via direct message on the social network (Facebook or Instagram) where you have been selected:
- Full name.
- Email.
- contact phone number.
- Shipping Address.
- Town.
- province.
- Postal Code.
- draw name.
All winners will have to send their data via direct message through the social network where they have been selected as winner..
Important information:
- The winner must provide a correct delivery address, avoiding generating confusion in receiving your prize.
When the gift arrives, we would be delighted to be able to enjoy your photos. Share them with us!