During the summer holidays we tend to put aside the strict care routines, so take advantage of the return to resume the normality of your life and your skin!!. chlorine, Water, the salt, the sun and the excesses of food in the summer take their toll on us. Here are some tips and tricks to catch up after the holidays and summer.
The aloe vera It is one of the ingredients that we must take into account to take care of our skin after the summer.. There are many beauty products that contain aloe vera.. Aloe calms, repairs and balances the skin. After prolonged sun exposure, use an aloe vera gel.. Being a gel texture it also refreshes us.
In your daily beauty routine and your skin care, you must include your moisturizer as mandatory, insisting on the legs and feet, What are the most dry areas?. What's more, continue using after sun It is the best option to calm the skin after the summer effects..
Finally, that we are not on vacation or sunbathing, does not imply that the sun's rays have not ceased to have an effect. During the months of September and part of October, the sun's rays are still quite strong, so it is advisable to be prevented with the sun, especially in the face area.