At this time of year it is very common to catch a cold. General discomfort, headache or fever are just some of its symptoms. In today's post, tWe tell you the secrets to overcome the cold as quickly as possible:
- Gargling will help to relieve inflammation and sore throat and to expel mucus.
2. Use tissue paper. Even if it seems to you that it can be reused once more, Avoid touching an already used handkerchief with your hands again. Thus, According to the experts, you will avoid re-infecting yourself.
3. Vitamin C helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx and larynx, preventing them from becoming inflamed and producing more mucus. What's more, the vitamin C that you find in orange or kiwi, can shorten the duration of constipation by one day because they are foods that reduce mucus.
4. Being well hydrated can be key to eliminating mucus, relieve a sore throat and replenish any fluids your body may have lost if you have a fever. It is important to avoid alcohol, because it dehydrates and could hinder your recovery process.
5. Get along with the infusions, drink as many hot infusions as you like. Try to drink juices, vegetables or broths, help reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and lungs, relieving cold symptoms.
6. Stay at home. It will not only help you recover, but you will also avoid infecting others.
Once you feel recovered, follow these tips to prevent cold naturally and so you can spend the winter safe from constipation and colds.