Summer is a key time for your body and your skin: you can still maintain your activity and show off a wonderful tan that, with solar excesses, dehydrate you, irregularities in your diet and lack of sleep cause irreparable damage to the dermis and shoot our body to a thousand. It never hurts to remember a series of basic tips so that we do not get upset.
off hours, goodbye agenda! the holidays are coming, a time when we love to spend hours in the sun that we have missed so much the rest of the year. Whether on the beach, in the pool or on the mountain; sometimes without realizing it and others consciously exposing ourselves, the sun is the main attraction of a summer that can be wonderful or, disastrous for the skin. Added to the irregular schedules, unbalanced diet, lack of sleep and activity…
These tips will help you take care of your skin and end the season without disappointment. Do you know them all or is there one that you systematically fail to comply with?? review them!
-keep your activity. It is quite normal to lower our level of activity and even cancel it!! Try to maintain it by avoiding the hours of maximum sunshine and helping yourself with sunscreen at all times.
-Struggles to stick to meal and sleep schedules, as well as follow a balanced diet. Take advantage of these months to enjoy a greater variety of fruits, Vegetables and greens! The body loses more water when it is hot.
-Hydrate your skin properly, use moisturizing creams. Especially after sun exposure. Remember, protect you adequately from the harmful effects of the sun. In addition to photoprotectors, wear sunglasses, hats, hats and appropriate clothing. Avoid sun exposure in the central hours of the day. And extreme care during the first exposures outdoors, either on the beach or in the field. Do not forget to carefully protect the neckline, neck and hands.