December is one of the busiest months of the year.. At the arrival of Christmas, the holidays of the smallest of the house are added, shopping and overeating.
We say goodbye to a few days full of emotions, illusion and games, that end suddenly after the arrival of the Magi. Going back to school is uphill for many of the little ones and, also for parents. We give you some tips to better cope with these first days back to the routine:
1. Retrieve the schedules: Return to normal hours as soon as possible, It will help you rest better you and the little one. shower times, dinners or hours for watching television should also begin to be regulated.
2. order in the home: after the numerous gifts they have received and after collecting all the Christmas decorations that decorated the house, it's not easy to find space for everything. Ask them to choose the toys they no longer use and make room for new ones. The order in your room is a good way to indicate that it is time to start over.
3. Daily activities: The activity routines of the week are back for you and for them, English, the dance, the pool. Calmly! Little by little everything will return to normal, specially for you. Grab paper and a pen to organize your weekly schedules and include 2 O 3 activity days for you. Try to choose things that you enjoy.
4. Reduce bad habits. It is normal that during Christmas, adults and children spend more time on television and video games. With the return to the routine, we must reduce the time we spend on this type of electronic device.
5. New Year's resolutions. Set a target date to look back and see what goals you have managed to achieve. In addition to serving as daily motivation to return to the routine, it allows us to make attainable and real goals and for the little ones it can become a game of improvement.
You already have all the keys to continue this January with energy!, joy and health!