We already have the list of winners who will take home a batch of 3 moisturizing lotions, Aloe Vera, Urea and Oatmeal (100 ml) Congratulations to the awardees! We hope you enjoy the gift very much.
We would love to be part of the moment you receive your prize. Cheer up and share a photo with us on Facebook!
So we can send you your prize, Fill in your details through form
When your gift arrives we would be delighted to be able to enjoy your photos: share them with us on Facebook!
1. Montserrat Chico Jimenez
2. Judith Pérez Diaz
3. Mercedes Suano
4. Nuria Rodríguez Varo
5. Montse Roca Capell
6. Sandra Toledano
7. Nieves Requena Molina
8. Angela Maria Bravo Moreno
9. Javier Fdez
10. Luli Spain
11. Anabel Castillero
12. Pilar Gil Costa
13. Esther Orts Sanchis
14. Maria Encarna Ballesteros Ortiz
15. Pilar Garabatos Lois
16. Noelia Navas
17. Marta Morente
18. Guillermo Jose Manzanares Navarro
Cheers! If you are one of the winners, fill in your details through this form: /promocion-ganadores/