How to keep the tan?

We know that the sun has already hit you and your skin has retained as much as possible. So we are going to give you a series of tricks so that this year the tan can hold you until the December sun., at least try. Contrary to what everyone thinks, exfoliating the skin does not remove the…

How to get young hands

The hands are one of the areas of our body, that next to the face, the more we expose. AND, Nevertheless, how little we take care of them! They are usually one of the most neglected parts of the body. It's not just about wearing a nice manicure, hands need a series of care to prevent them from aging prematurely. AND…

3 spring allergy tips

March can be one of the best months of the year, or the worst, depending on how you look. The beginning of temperature change puts us all in a good mood and increases the desire to be in the sun. spring allergies, begin to be reborn in this month with the arrival of spring. This year…

Four guidelines for training the body and mind

A full life involves maintaining a well-trained body that meets the conditions of strength, minimum resistance and flexibility that ensure a good quality of life. But as the years go by and in the same way that physical faculties are lost, our cognitive ability is deteriorating for such a simple and simple reason…